At The Body Barber™, manscaping, dude-pruning, bro-mowing, scrotercation or just plain ol' hair removal .... aesthetics play a huge role in body hair management and is what my business is all about. In using various professional tools of the trade, I'll style, sculpt and engineer your body hair giving you that confidence about not only looking your best, but feeling it as well.
Consultations for clips are free, unless work is carried out at the time, so text or call to see how big a difference a clip can make to not only yourself, but to how others interact with you as well.
COVID-19 is a concern to us all, and here at The Body Barber it's being taken very seriously for not only for the health and safety of my clients, but also myself and those around me.
As bookings are by appointment only and are a one-on-one basis I have been told that YES, as of 23rd March 2020 I am at this stage advised to remain open so until such time as the Government has closed this particular industry down.
I encourage you all to visit the Australian Department of Health's website for which a link is provided below as well as one for those with concerns regarding COVID-19 and HIV as well as an interactive self assessment.
Confused by the "this email is already in use" when trying to log in or set up a client account ?
This is an attempt to explain the differences between the shop platform ( Log In ) and the appointment or scheduling platform ( Booking Sign In ) ... just make sure you have your coffee at hand as you may be in for a read !
After 20, YES 20 cancellations, last minute, the day before, or just no-shows in the past 4 weeks .... it will be a requirement that all 1st time bookings either pay in advance.
Call me old fashioned but just because Gordon Ramsey treats people like shit and all the reality TV shows seems to have people doing the same, does that mean that they are the new role models and how we're all meant to be treating each other ?
I think not !
A new website bringing us in to the modern world having caved in to the pressures that society and technology have forced us in to taking. And they say that we are 'free' citizens to do as we please .... HA !
Features of the new website, new ramblings and an introduction for ourselves on what blogging is .... still not really clear on that one.
Oh Em Gee (pretentious crap) .... I think I've enable it so you can leave a comment, this could be FUN, how novel !!