The new look 'The Body Barber'
June 26, 2018
1 Comment
FINALLY it's here ! website is still there in all it's entirety but it's best viewed on a PC and not a mobile device. I created it a million years ago which itself suggests I am part of the marvel team of super heroes that never die. Lucky for you I don't have pics up of me running around in those super hero lycra outfits on here, they're for another website haha.
The Body Barber's new website is incorporating many things,
- Most importantly the ability to be viewed on any mobile device as well as the usual desktop computers.
A new innovative way of displaying prices by using graphics to represent the area in question.
- This will take all the guess work out of what is a full body wax and what is not, that a full back wax does NOT include the shoulders and deltoids. Men are visual creatures by default, this ought to help them along.
On line booking.
- Some of my clients have asked for it but is something that I've been VERY hesitant about; giving control of my 'life' to others, yes I have one, mundane that it may be.
The ability to pay on line or in advance (at the time of booking)
- I am considering options where people can pay in installments, best for laser treatments considering their cost.
Last minute cancellations or No Shows fees
- Long overdue, last minute cancellations or no-shows will now attract a fee. See the cancellation policies but in a nut shell, less than 8 hrs notice will be charged 50% of the scheduled booking. No-show clients will be charged for their appointment in full as if they turned up, any future bookings will be required to be paid for at the time of booking inclusive of any fees owed. If the fee isn't paid then The Body Barber™ may not welcome them back as a client.
- Those clients part of the 'mantenance program' are exempt. (conditions apply)
A more condensed site (not blogs)
- The older site has me rambling on, and on and on (bit like I am doing now really), but it IS descriptive, it IS straight to the point and IS realistic. This old site has generated pretty well all my clients over the years and the view from people is that it's down to earth, they feel like someone is actually talking to them and it makes them feel comfortable. I don't care what people say generally websites are boring, lack detailed information and mostly have a 'yeah-yeah' factor to them in the sense that they ALL claim to be/have the best product, they ALL have the latest, they ALL are award winning ..... yeah, yeah, what ever ! So my new site will be concise, concise for me, and I will still try and keep at least some of my personality in to it.
Blogs + Social Media
- I've bowed to pressure and am trying to become familiar with blogging, this will also mean that I have to get a twitter account. As for facebook, still hate it and the way people don't have lives outside of their facebook account. If anyone wants to communicate with me that do it in person or on the phone in a conversation, if not then clearly the relationship isn't as strong as we both think. For a business I understand the importance it has to them but really, my clientele and business type that is VERY personal, private and discreet, it's NOT generally for sharing and bragging about .... Does anyone really want to tell the world that they get the hair from their arse crack removed on a monthly basis ? seriously ?
So that is it. I've no idea of what a blog is, or does, or what it's for, other than to express an opinion on stuff that others may find interesting, or amusing. My grammar is shit and always needs going over (So sayeth ye Sue), but in these days where people struggle to communicate in any other way than facebook, tinder, whatsapp and the like, does anyone really care ?
On another note, if you have been able to view the website by logging in with a password then that will mean that you are a privileged somebody. It also means that the website is NOT live and therefore still under construction and as such will have a LOT of mistakes (I know already !). By all means givev me constructive critisisms on picture use, quality, if they are appropriate etc .... the look of the site, fluidity of it, etc etc. You all know that if you ask my opinion you will get a direct and honesty answer, I'll try and be diplomatic ie. Sue - "you haven't commented on my hair yet" , Me - "um, is it meant to look like that?". Grammar and spelling I'll worry about when I have finished and about to go live.
Grammar is not my thing but I've learnt a new word that apparently IS my thing, verbose. It's and adjective with a meaning of using or expressing in more words than is needed ... wordy, loquacious, garrulous, talkative, voluble, orotund, expanisive, babbling,prattling, gushing (there's a good one), or effusive ... yes I get the picture.
Thank you and have a nice day ... yes CLEARLY I am bored.
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July 04, 2018
Web site is looking good.