The amount of pigment, or melanin, in hair determines its colour and therefore its effectiveness to treatment. The LinScan Hair Removal laser uses a wavelength of 808nm, which, when applied to the treatment area, turns to thermal energy (heat) and absorbed by the melanin. The applied light is absorbed by the melanin, the temperature in the root rises and the hair can no longer grow.
Lasers can only target hair of colour and therefore gray, white, some blonde hair and ginger hair will not respond. The LinScan Hair Removal Laser is effective in removing hair from dark-skin patients with the integrated sapphire contact cooling hand-piece protecting the surrounding skin.
Put simply, the LASER sends heat down the hair follicle where it destroys the root, preventing any future hair from growing.
The ideal combination for optimal results is dark hair on light skin. Although our LASER system can treat a broad range of skin and hair colour types, if you have extremely light hair, or dark or uneven pigmentation markings on the skin, a very specific LASER machine may be required.
I can happily provide advice at your initial consultation as to the suitability of our LASER hair removal system for your personal skin and hair type, and can provide you a referral if a specific machine is needed.
Blond, white or grey hair lacks melanin, which makes it harder for the lasers to work effectively, so those with very light hair may not be the best candidates for laser hair removal.